Rossi Alexander, Author at LTrent | Page 6 of 13

Can I Learn To Drive In Australia If I Am Not Australian

Can I Learn To Drive In Australia If I Am Not Australian | LTrent Driving School Blog

Getting a drivers licence is a rite of passage for many people, but if you are not an Australian citizen, the process can seem a bit more complicated.

It is actually possible to learn to drive in Australia and get your licence even if you’re not Australian. However, you need to consider all the logistics to determine what is the best option for you and your situation.


Is It Better To Have 1 Or 2 Hour Driving Lessons

Is It Better To Have 1 Or 2 Hour Driving Lessons | LTrent Driving School Blog

Haven’t started driving yet and are thinking about joining a school? One decision you’ll have to make if you start learning to drive is whether you should opt for a 1-hour or 2-hour driving lessons.

There are pros and cons of both, but at the end of the day the decision comes down to what works better for you. Here’s how to figure out which option is better or your learning style.


What Are Some Signs Of Being Too Tired Fatigued To Drive

What Are Some Signs Of Being Too Tired Fatigued To Drive | LTrent Driving School

Around 29% of adults in Australia admitted to driving while sleepy at least once a month, with 20% of people admitting they’ve even fallen asleep while driving.

Drowsy driving is a serious problem that doesn’t just put you in danger, but potentially everyone on the road. However, in some cases, drivers may not even realise they are too tired to drive and ignore the signs out of necessity.


The Do’s And Don’ts Of Merging Lanes


Ltrent Safe Driving Merging Lanes

Merging lanes on a multi-lane road can be scary for new drivers. But in this guide from LTrent Driving School, we’ll discuss a few dos and don’ts of merging lanes safely. Read on and see how you can respect other road users, follow road rules, and merge easily on any road!


Car Safety Tips For Summer Time Driving

Ltrent Driving in the summer Tips and Lessons

Driving during the summer months in Australia can be dangerous. Hot weather can stress your car’s systems, cause breakdowns, and put you at risk of heatstroke and dehydration if you break down without proper planning. So in this guide from LTrent Driving School, we’ll discuss a few top summer driving safety tips.


Christmas Holidays Driving Tips

Ltrent Christmas Driving Tips

Planning to drive to visit family or friends this holiday season? Here are a few top tips from LTrent Driving School that will help you stay safe throughout Christmas and the New Year!


Why Are Stopping And Following Distances Important?

Stopping Distances Ltrent Driving If you’re a learner driver, you may have heard that you should keep a certain amount of time and space between you and the vehicle in front of you. This is called “stopping distance,” “following distance,” or “reaction distance” depending on who you ask. In this blog, LTrent Driving School will provide some tips and information about stopping and following distances.


Driving Safely With Low Sun

Safe Driving on Sunny days

If you’re a new driver, you may not be sure how to drive safely in bright sunlight in the morning and in the evening. Driving east in the morning and west in the evening – particularly during the winter – means you’ll be driving directly into the low sun.

This is because in winter, the sun hangs lower in the sky due to the orientation of the Earth. This bright sunlight can pose some safety challenges, even if you have tinted windows. In this blog from LTrent Driving School, we’ll discuss a few top tips for dealing with low sun and sun glare, and staying safe while driving in bright sunlight.


Is It Safe To Drive In Hot Weather


Safe Driving on hot days

Extreme heat is common throughout Australia in the summer months. Extremely hot temperatures over 35° C can be quite dangerous for drivers, and if you want to stay safe, it’s important to understand the dangers of driving in high temperatures, and how you can drive safely in the summer heat.

So in this guide from LTrent Driving School, we’ll discuss a few tips for staying safe while driving in hot weather. Read on, and make sure you’re prepared for the heat!


What Are Some Car Driving Safety Instructions

Safe Driving Instructions Ltrent

If you’re going to learn to drive for the first time, LTrent Driving School is here to help. In this blog, we’ll go over some basic safety tips that will help you stay safe as you learn. Let’s get started.
