Blog | LTrent Driving Schoool & Lessons in NSW & VIC

Three Second Following Rule for Drivers

Three Second Following Rule for Drivers | LTrent Blog

Rear-end collisions are some of the common types of car accidents. In Australia alone, it accounts for about 31% of car accidents. These collisions occur when drivers do not pay attention to the road and the vehicles ahead of them.

It is recommended to leave adequate space between your vehicle and the one in front of you, especially during poor weather conditions. This gives you enough time to react safely and appropriately to slowing or stopping traffic. The best way to do this is by using the 3-second following rule.


What are the Rules for Mobile Phone & Driving

What are the Rules for Mobile Phone & Driving | LTrent Driving School Australia

It may be inviting to pick up your phone and respond to that text message on Facebook while driving. However, using your mobile phone while driving can pose a severe risk to your safety on the road. Worse is that an eye glance off the road for two seconds or more can lead to a car crash.

To prevent road accidents, drivers within NSW, VIC, ACT, and Australia at large are guided by strict mobile phone laws. Violation of these rules can attract a fine of up to $1000 fine and five demerit points penalties.


Tips For Driving Safely When It’s Wet

Our Tips For Driving Safely When Wet | LTrent Driving School NSW VIC

Driving in the rain and wet road conditions can be the most dangerous driving situation that most drivers will encounter regularly. Road hazards are increased in rainy conditions, whether it’s following a heavy downpour or a sprinkle. Wet roads elevate the chances of road risks and are often associated with increased accident rates.

During heavy rains, roads become slippery, which decreases vehicle traction, visibility distance, as well as manoeuvrability. Driving under such conditions can be challenging even to the most experienced drivers. Below is a list of valuable tips for driving safely when it’s wet.


How Often Should You Take a Driving Lesson?

How Often Should You Take a Driving Lesson? | LTrent Driving School Blog

Are you eager to drive your first vehicle? Or do you simply want to hone your driving skills and get a license? Either way, you may be wondering how often you should take driving lessons to pass the driving test.

There’s more to driving than putting your foot on a gas pedal and steering the wheel. You require special driving techniques and good driving habits to coexist with other drivers on the road. Here are the factors that determine how often you’ll take your driving lessons.


Why Parents May Not Make the Best Driving Instructors

Why Parents May Not Make the Best Driving Instructors | LTrent Driving School Blog  

If your teen has reached the legal driving age, you may be wondering: Should you enrol them in a driving school or teach them yourself? Of course, teaching them yourself is the best option because it’ll save you money and allow you to bond with your teen, right? WRONG

Below we will walk you through some of the reasons you should not be the driving instructor for your teen.


What Are Some Tips For Driving Safely in the City?

What Are Some Tips For Driving Safely in the City? | LTrent Driving School Blog

City driving requires a lot of patience and attention. In fact, many drivers avoid driving in the city because the level of distraction makes them nervous. But anyone can learn to drive safely in the city by following some simple safety strategies. In this blog, we’ll go over some tips for safe city driving. 


What are the Dangers of Driving on Narrow Roads?

What are the Dangers of Driving on Narrow Roads? | LTrent Driving School Blog

Navigating your way around Australia’s narrow country roads can be scary, especially if you’re a new driver. Blind corners, sharp turns, and narrow lanes are all factors you must take into consideration. Typically, a narrow road can cause a crash in different ways, from single-vehicle wrecks to multiple vehicle collisions and getting stuck due to a barrier on the road. 


What Are You Supposed To Do If You Witness A Car Accident?

What Are You Supposed To Do If You Witness A Car Accident? | LTrent Driving School Blog

It’s difficult to stay calm and cool when you witness something as traumatic as a car accident. But by having some knowledge of what actions to take, you will be better equipped to lend a hand if needed. In this blog, we’ll share some basic guidelines for what to do when you witness a car accident. This way, you can be prepared and know what to expect in case of an emergency.


What Causes Anxiety while Driving?

What Causes Anxiety while Driving? | LTrent Driving School Blog

Driving-related anxiety is a common problem with mild to severe effects. While driving phobia doesn’t have a particular identifiable cause, many biological and environmental factors are associated with this problem. And although people with anxiety disorder are more likely to experience panic attacks, driving has the potential to cause risk-based anxieties, especially if you’re not adequately trained. However, this doesn’t have to be the case.


What Is The Safest Technique To Use When Entering A Freeway?

What Is The Safest Technique To Use When Entering A Freeway? | LTrent Driving School Blog

When you’re in driver ed, one of the most intimidating lessons is learning to enter a freeway. With so many other cars, unpredictable conditions, and high speed, it’s easy to become anxious. But there are some best practices that can be used to help alleviate some of the stress of entering the freeway. In this blog, we’ll go over these practices in detail so you can feel confident. 
