Blog | LTrent Driving Schoool & Lessons in NSW & VIC

What Should You Not Do Alongside a Truck When Passing?

What Should You Not Do Alongside a Truck When Passing? | LTrent Driving School Blog

Sharing the road with commercial trucks can be frightening, especially for new drivers. This is because they take longer to seize motion in comparison to passenger vehicles. Additionally, large vehicles have larger blind spots that can cause accidents in case of irresponsible driving. Below are some of the things you should refrain from when passing a large truck. 


What Are The 4 Types Of Distraction While Driving?

What Are The 4 Types Of Distraction While Driving? | LTrent Driving School Blog

Any kind of car accident involves distracted driving on some level. Full attention is necessary to drive safely, but if we’re being honest, every driver has driven distracted at some point in their lives. The key is to guard against it, and not let it become a habit. In this blog, we’ll identify the four types of driving distractions and how to avoid them. 


Tips For Driving On Dirt Roads

Tips For Driving On Dirt Roads | LTrent Driving School Blog

Driving on dirt roads can lead to vehicle damage if you’re not cautious. Not only do dirt roads create some dangerous driving situations, but the unpredictability of the road surface can also flatten a tire or break an axle. In this blog we’ll explore some tips for navigating dirt roads, so you can protect your vehicle and increase your driving safety.


How Do You Safely Park a Car?

How Do You Safely Park a Car? | LTrent Driving School Blog

With the exponential rise in the number of new drivers on the Australian roads, safe parking has become a demanding task. This article will demystify all the details you require to park your car safely. 


How Do You Drive in the Mountains Safely?

How Do You Drive in the Mountains Safely? | LTrent Driving Lessons

Driving on mountain roads can be both fun and dangerous. Besides the high chances of car accidents, steep grades also subject your vehicle to extra strain that can damage the vehicle’s components, such as brakes and engine parts. To curb such risks, great precaution and safety measures must be put in place to enhance your mountain drive experience.


Driving in wet weather

Driving in wet weather | LTrent Driving Lessons

Rain is terrific for agriculture, soothing when it gets too hot, and just calming overall. But rain, when you are driving, is a potential hazard. Driving in wet weather should be done with extra care by road users since visibility and adherence to the road are drastically reduced.

Here are some tips for driving in wet weather that should help you remember how to minimize risks and control your vehicle as well as you can. Wet conditions should become a trigger for taking these safety measures because driving normally is not safe enough.


Why do crashes occur at intersections?

Why do crashes occur at intersections? | LTrent Driving Lessons

Many car crashes happen in intersections, with some intersections being notorious for the number of occurring auto accidents, especially in big cities where multiple-lane roads meet. According to a study conducted in 2018 in Australia, intersection crashes were second in terms of the number of deaths in car accidents.

So, why do so many car accidents occur at intersections? Intersection accidents can be explained by several factors, and we will go through the main ones in this article. (more…)

Why Does Melbourne Have Hook Turns?

Why Does Melbourne Have Hook Turns | LTrent Driving Lessons

Hook turns are a particularity of traffic rules in Melbourne, and they can confuse people coming from somewhere else, as well as locals getting their driver’s license. To better understand what hook turns are and how to navigate through them, let’s explain what they are, why they exist, and how to get used to them as a driver.


What Is The Best Way To Teach A Teenager To Drive? Tips For Parents

What Is The Best Way To Teach A Teenager To Drive? Tips For Parents | LTrent Driving School Blog

Teaching your child to drive? If your teen has no driving experience, you may be wondering what the best way is to teach your teen to drive. Where should you start? How do you build their driving skills?

Working with a driving instructor from LTrent Driving School is the best option, of course, but teaching your teen basic safe driving skills before their first lesson is very common. So what should you do when teaching a learner driver? Read on and find out!


How To Overcome Your Nervousness During A Driving Test

How To Overcome Your Nervousness During A Driving Test | LTrent Driving School Blog

Driving test nerves are common. Once you’re sitting next to a driving examiner and are about to head out onto the road, even the most confident drivers may feel nervous and scared – and this can lead to mistakes and missteps that may result in failing the test.

So, how can you calm your nerves during your test and feel confident? Here are a few tips and suggestions from LTrent Driving School.
