Blog | LTrent Driving Schoool & Lessons in NSW & VIC

What To Do If You’re Involved In An Accident – Your Step-By-Step Guide

What To Do If You’re Involved In An Accident – Your Step-By-Step Guide | LTrent Driving School Blog

At LTrent Driving School, our job is to train you to be a safe driver so you avoid accidents. But accidents can still happen – that’s why they’re called accidents, after all! So it’s a good idea to know what to do in case of a motor vehicle accident. Read on and we’ll explain every step you should take after a car accident.


What Do I Need To Know Before Driving On The Highway?

What Do I Need To Know Before Driving On The Highway? | LTrent Driving School Blog

Making the jump from driving on local roads to highway driving can be scary when you’re learning to drive. But LTrent Driving School is here to help. Read on to learn a few tips about highway driving, or book a driving lesson online to get the in-person instruction you need to start driving on the highway with confidence.


What Are The 3 Characteristics Of Safe Drivers? Top Safety Traits

What Are The 3 Characteristics Of Safe Drivers? Top Safety Traits | LTrent Driving School Blog

At LTrent Driving School, we’ve been teaching learners how to become safe drivers for years. But what separates bad drivers from good drivers? How can you become a better driver?

There are a lot of things that go into this – but in this blog, we’ve boiled driver safety down to 3 top characteristics. Read on to learn more, and see what characteristics are most important for improving your traffic safety skills.


How Do I Get Over My Fear Of Driving At Night? Our Top Tips And Advice

How Do I Get Over My Fear Of Driving At Night? Our Top Tips And Advice | LTrent Driving School Blog

In both NSW and VIC, learner drivers under the age of 25 and 21 respectively, must record 120 hours of driving time in a logbook – including 20 hours of driving at night. Fear of driving at night is common in learners, but to get your log book hours and drive safely in the future, you need to overcome the fear of driving at night.

How? Here are a few tips from LTrent Driving School on how to overcome driving anxieties and driving phobia at night.


Can International Students Drive in Australia

Life in a different country is exciting and confusing, especially for an international student. Add driving to the mix, and it’s no wonder how someone can become so disoriented. Australia is a vast country, and driving makes travelling so much easier for an international student to go to any educational institution. There’s always public transportation, but that option can be severely limiting for our temporary residents. With that being said, can international students drive in Australia? We must follow some road rules, so let’s break down what our international students need to know to drive safely.


What Are Some Helpful Parking Tips

What Are Some Helpful Parking Tips | LTrent Driving School Blog

As of January of 2020, there were over 19 million registered motor vehicles on the roads in Australia. With this in mind, it might be a good idea to tap the brakes and assess one of the most fundamental driving skills – parking. Let’s be honest. Not all drivers know how to park perfectly.


How to Be Seen in Traffic – Safety Driving Tip

How to Be Seen in Traffic - Safety Driving Tip | LTrent Driving School Blog

When driving, it’s crucial for you to be aware of your surroundings and for others to be aware of you. Understand when you may be in someone’s blind spot or if there’s poor visibility. Every move you make should be completed early and carefully to ensure other drivers have time to see you.


Guide to older driver licensing in NSW

Guide to older driver licensing in NSW | Ltrent Driving School Blog

The Australian Road Rules defines an “older driver” as any driver aged 75 years or above. Older drivers must provide an updated medical review, showing they’re still fit to drive. This rule aims to improve road safety. Drivers above this age can be suffering from physical or cognitive impairments. In this guide to older driver licensing, you’ll read about how to keep your drivers licence updated.


Do you know your road rules?

Do you know your road rules? | LTrent Driving School Blog

It’s essential to know the Australian road rules before attempting to drive in NSW or Vic to avoid making simple mistakes. A driving theory test is the first step to getting a driver’s licence in both NSW and Vic, so let’s look at some of the basic road rules. It’s also necessary to understand the demerit points system and how it works. You will have to research this system as there are various ways to get these points, and they include fines and suspensions.


Driver Fatigue

Driver Fatigue | Ltrent Driving School Blog

Driver fatigue is one of the leading causes of fatalities on Australian roads, along with speeding and alcohol consumption. Research by Transport NSW also suggests that fatigue is just as dangerous as drunk driving, if not more so. In fact, staying awake for 17 hours has similar effects on cognitive ability as a 0.05/100ml blood alcohol content.

After 21 hours, this figure skyrockets to 0.15, which is classified as “High Range” and well over the legal limit. Moreover, driving tired after being awake for 24 hours increases the risk of a car accident seven-fold.
