Blog | LTrent Driving Schoool & Lessons in NSW & VIC

What You Need To Know About The NSW Digital Driver Licence (DDL)

Image courtesy of Service NSW –

After a successful trial, any NSW driver can now use the NSW Digital Driver Licence (DDL). The Digital Driver Licence is the digital version of your NSW Driver Licence, and it’s available on the Service NSW App.

Wondering what the DDL is, and if it’s right for you? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the basics of the NSW Digital Driver Licence, and discuss everything that you need to know.


Rules For Learner Drivers

Rules For Learner Drivers | Ltrent Driving School | Blog

The Most Important Things To Know

If you’re a learner driver and you’re looking to take your driving test, you may be wondering what rules you need to follow while you learn to drive and record hours in your log book. Find out some of the most important rules that apply to drivers with a learner licence below!


P-Plate Passenger Laws

P-Plate Passenger Laws | LTrent Driving School Australia

It’s critically important to understand p plate passenger laws as you begin to learn to drive. The Graduated Licensing Scheme, or GLS, is the process that you must follow in order to get your full licence – and through this process, there are a number of different plate restrictions that are put in place that have to do with your ability to travel with passengers, depending on whether you have green p plates or red p plates.

P plate laws may seem quite confusing, but once you understand they are quite easy to follow along with the general road rules.

It’s believed that safer limits can help build the confidence of young drivers. These limits include certain vehicle types, laws against using mobile phones while in the car, speed limit restrictions, and even the number of passengers you can have. Additionally, drink driving or driving high remains illegal and highly penalised.


How Many Driving Lessons For A Manual Car

How Many Driving Lessons For A Manual Car | LTrent Driving School

While manual transmission cars – also known as stick-shift cars – used to be something of a rite of passage, automatic cars have largely monopolized the road. Automatic tends to be the most popular car driven, and in most cases learner drivers will both learn on and take their driving test with an automatic car.

However, in some cases, people will want to drive manual cars. If that’s you, there’s no need to worry – you can absolutely learn how to drive manual cars!


NSW Driving Laws Update 2019

NSW Driving Laws Update 2019 | LTrent Driving School Australia

Driving laws have been updated in the last year (2019), as part of the NSW roads Road Safety Plan 2021. This most specifically targets drink driving offences, which can be incredibly serious.

It’s also important to know that it is an offence if you refuse to take a test. There are a number of penalties depending on the range offence, which can include loss of licence, spot fines, a requirement to install an alcohol interlock device, and even prison terms.


What To Wear For Your Driving Lesson

What To Wear For Your Driving Lesson | LTrent Driving School

Your driving lessons can be an exciting time in your life! You’re taking the next step towards getting your proficiency licence, which will open up a whole world of freedom and responsibility.

When it comes to your driving lessons – especially your first every driving lesson – you may have a number of questions about what will happen, what to expect, how you should conduct yourself, and how you should prepare.


What Is A Refresher Driving Course

What Is A Refresher Driving Course | LTrent Driving School Australia

Sometimes, even the most experienced drivers may need what’s called a refresher driving course in order to help them with safely navigating the road.

There’s nothing wrong with taking a refresher driving course – in fact, it can be really helpful when it comes to mitigating the risk of crash, and can help unsteady drivers with their skill and confidence level!


What To Expect In Your Second Driving Lesson

What To Expect In Your Second Driving Lesson | LTrent Driving School

Once you’ve gone through your first driving lesson, you’re probably more comfortable with what to expect from your lessons overall. Now that you’ve met your instructor or instructors and have likely had more private practice, you may also feel more comfortable talking to them and asking any questions you may have.

Your driving instructors will have taken ample notes during your first driving lesson, and will know where you may be having difficulty or may need work on certain driving practices.


How Many Driving Lessons Do I Need To Pass

How Many Driving Lessons Do I Need To Pass | LTrent Driving School

While you must log at least 120 hours of supervised driving by law, including at least 20 hours of driving at night, there is no specific rule about how many lessons you’ll need to pass.

However, it does greatly depend on your comfort on the road. It’s estimated that those drivers who increase supervised on-road experience with a driving instructor end up doing better in the practical driving test, and tend to reduce their crash risk by 30% in the first two years of driving!


What Is The Safer Driving Course

What Is The Safer Driving Course | LTrent Driving School

The Safer Driving Course is great for NSW drivers that want to learn about how to best become a safe driver.

The course helps you to learn about reducing risks that may be on the road, anticipating any hazardous situations, and can even teach you how to make the best decisions possible while on the road!

With the help of a certified driving instructor, completing the course is simple. In-class and car coaching sessions provide a safe environment for learner drivers after the driving test.
