COVID-19 Response
Your safety is our priority. We have health protocols to ensure you are safe, both on and off the road.
Important information and updates regarding COVID-19 for LTrent students.
The latest NSW Government Guidelines state that students are no longer required to show proof of vaccination. Face masks are still highly recommended.
For more information please visit the official government website.
Driving Lessons
Learning to drive is one of the most important skills in life and we want to make sure you have the best learning experience, responsibly.
At LTrent, we are committed to keeping our students, families and Driver Trainers safe. To ensure the safety of the community, please refer to the latest health advice and procedures mandated across our team of Driver Trainers below.
Please give us a call on 02 8748 4500 if you would like more information about our COVID-19 response.
What actions are we taking?
Prior to your lesson
Your instructor will arrive 5 minutes before your lesson to disinfect the interior and exterior of the car, including the hand controls and door handles.
When you enter the car
Face masks are no longer mandatory but highly recommended. Please wear a face mask if you have one.
After your lesson
Your instructor will sanitise their hands and wipe down the interior and exterior of your car with a disinfectant wipe, including all hand controls and door handles.
Your Driver Trainer
If driver trainers are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, they are required to get tested within 48 hours. They cannot attend lessons or driving tests until they have been cleared of COVID-19. We will contact you to let you know and reschedule your lessons to a time that suits you.
It is no longer a requirement that you have to be fully vaccinated to take driving lessons and a majority of our trainers take students regardless of their vaccination status. We do have some trainers who are immune-compromised or have immune-compromised family members and have requested fully vaccinated students – we will inform you if this is the case and reassign you with an appropriate instructor.
We are constantly monitoring the Government advice on conducting driving lessons. We are doing everything that we can to ensure that you are comfortable, confident and safe throughout your learning experience.
Thank You For Supporting Your Local Instructors
As a small family-owned business it is through your unwavering support that we can employ local instructors and their families. Your instructor has an immense positive impact on your local and the wider Australian community as they play a pivotal part in our mission to train safer drivers.
Thank you to our Trent community for your ongoing support, loyalty and patience.
Safer Drivers Course
We Are Ready To Teach You To Be Safe On The Road
All our Safer Drivers Courses are constructed in line with the rules outlined by Transport for NSW. It is highly recommended to wear a face mask at all times throughout both Module 1 and 2.
You can still learn safe driving techniques and receive 20 bonus logbook hours at the completion of your course. Your friends and family can also join the course with you if they meet the requirements.*
Driving Lesson FAQs
Are driving lessons still going ahead?
Transport for NSW classifies driving instructors as a public government service that people can still access even during the ‘stay at home’ directions. This means all of our driving lessons will be going ahead and it is highly recommended to wear a face mask at all times. If you would like more info, please call (02) 8748 4500.
We are taking extra precautions to ensure the cleanliness of the instructor’s cars and maintaining high standards of personal hygiene. We ask that you also maintain good hygiene and wash your hands before and after your driving lesson and avoid putting your hands to your face.
Please continue to support your local instructor. Let’s get through this together.
Can I reschedule my lessons?
Yes, you can reschedule your lessons by calling (02) 8748 4500 or sending us an email at Please note, our instructors are continuing to maintain high standards of personal hygiene and the cleanliness of our cars to help keep you and other students safe.
What if I’m not feeling well on the day of my lesson?
You and your instructor’s health and safety is important to us.
Please call us on (02) 8748 4500 as soon as you start to feel unwell so we can postpone your lesson and inform your instructor.
Once you are healthy, we can reschedule your lesson for you. Please call us on (02) 8748 4500 or book online to reschedule your lesson.
What happens if I have to self-isolate?
The health and safety of you and your peers are important to us. Please call us on 02 8748 4500 as soon as you start to feel unwell so we can postpone your driving lesson.
Once you are well, we can reschedule your lesson. Please call us on 02 8748 4500 or email us at
What if the driving instructor isn’t feeling well, what will happen?
Our instructors have been advised to stay home and visit their GP if they aren’t feeling well. All students will be contacted and rescheduled accordingly.
How will I be notified of any changes?
If any changes need to be made you will receive an email from our team.
How can I contact your office?
You can email us at or call us on 02 8748 4500.
Still Have Questions?
Can’t find an answer to your question? Please feel free to contact us and we’ll happily answer any of your questions.
Ready To Book A Driving Lesson?
Find a suitable lesson time online and get started!
Safer Drivers Course FAQs
Are Safer Drivers Courses still going ahead?
We are following the guidelines from NSW Health in regards to the Safer Drivers Course.
Transport for NSW classifies the Safer Drivers Course as a public government service that people can still access even during the ‘stay at home’ directions. This means all of our Safer Drivers Courses will be going ahead and it is highly recommended to wear a face mask at all times throughout module 1 and module 2.
The ‘square metres per person’ and numbers limits do not apply to ‘essential gatherings’ including educational institutions and transport facilities however we will be following all guidelines for hygiene practices at all venues and vehicles and comply with all national and state health directions.
What if I’m not feeling well on the day of my Safer Drivers Course?
Please let us know as soon as you feel unwell so we can ensure that other students can still go ahead with their Safer Drivers Course.
We will reschedule your course once you are well.
We are required by Transport of NSW to have a minimum of 6 students to run the Safer Drivers Course so please let us know as every student counts.
Will my Safer Drivers Course be postponed?
We are following the guidelines from Transport for NSW in regards to the Safer Drivers Course.
Transport for NSW considers the Safer Drivers Course to be an important government, public service which customers may still lawfully access.
If there are any changes, you will be notified via phone and email.
How can I contact your office?
You can email us at or call us on (02) 8748 4500.
Still Have Questions?
Can’t find an answer to your question? Please feel free to contact us and we’ll happily answer any of your questions.
Ready To Book Your Safer Drivers Course?
Book your course date and time online!